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 Domenica 8 Settembre 2024

sezione a cura di Scarysmile
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Visite : 7571 -- Reply : 41

Postato Ripa - resto del mondo
by Mary L.

Ho letto oggi in primo piano: Annona, di Giosue della Porta. Che meraviglioso articolo!!!
Ciao e saluti a tutti i Ripesi.
by Mike

Happy Easter from Canada to all of you.
Great Tour of Ripa video!!!!! Thanks.
by YaYa sisters

The nice part about living in a small town: When you don't know what you're doing, someone else always does....
by scarysmile

very good, I enjoyed very much your message. There is also "aforismi" page if you like "famous" sentences.
Welcome in our community.
by The Ya Ya sisters

OK thank you!! Nonna is from Ripa.
Your site is cute and we will check it out more often. Hi to you all.
by IO

Who is Your Nonna? And you, have never been in Ripa?
by Ya Ya sisters

Hi IO! Is that like, io=me or like Yo?

Nonna hasn't lived in Ripa for 40 years.
She says that she wants to be anonymous because in Ripa people gossip a lot.

We haven't been to Ripa but maybe someday. Have you ever been anywhere in the U.S.A.?

Bye and you all have a nice day now.
by Medon!

Pur in America sann ke na Rip a gent parl tropp!!!
by scarysmile

X ya ya: I have never been to u.s.a. but I think it would be a very nice holiday.

Where are you from exactly?
by weah

a holiday on Usa is my dream....together Ireland!!!
by ????

U.S.A. is far to big to really see in a short time, in about two weeks a must see is New York City. Best of Luck.
by Maria Luisa

Ciao e saluti a tutti e spero che avete fatto buone feste. Le foto del 12 Agosto sono state molto piacevole, sono riuscita anche a riconoscere alcune persone. Bye for now......
by Dracula

Happy Halloween to all the BOOO-tiful inhabitants of Ripa.
by Mario Luciano D'Alessandro

Ciao e saluti a tutti i Ripesi.


Mario Luciano
by Mario Luciano

Feliz Aņo Nuevo A todos .
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